Richmond RPAC

The REALTORS®  Political Action Committee (RPAC) is funded and supported by RAR members. RPAC's primary objective is to advance the legislative and regulatory interests of Realtors® and home buyers - from sign ordinances to comprehensive plans that outline the next 20 years of development.

Partisan politics have no place at the table. RPAC only supports one party: The Realtor® Party.

A $99 Fair Share Investment in RPAC gets you:

  • Advocates for fair and affordable housing
  • Defense for land and property rights
  • Representation during local planning initiatives
  • Experts in local housing policy
  • Champions for you and your business
  • RPAC empowers your success and protects your opportunities

Protect your business. Invest today.

Disclaimer: Contributions to Richmond RPAC of are voluntary and are used for political purposes; they are not deductible for federal or state income tax purposes. Members may contribute more or less than the suggested amount and may refuse to contribute without reprisal. The National Association of REALTORS® or any of its state associations or local boards will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. NAR has established state Federal RPAC Disbursement Allocations based on anticipated National RPAC needs. Thirty percent of all Major Investor contributions are sent to NAR to be applied to the Federal RPAC Disbursement Allocation and are charged against the limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a with the remaining seventy percent maintained for state and local usage. Decisions regarding Richmond RPAC contributions to meet the Federal RPAC Disbursement Allocation will be made throughout the fundraising year.


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